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Andy Ward won the first match in the series with an impressive 5lb 5oz. 17 members fished the match.
Pos | Name | Weight | Peg |
1 | Andy Ward | 5lb 5oz | 1 |
2 | Giles Woolliams | 4lb 12oz | 33 |
3 | Pete Wilkins | 3lb 7oz | 8 |
Click Here for the current standings
Roach Cup Series Match 3 Result
Pat Dunkley won the trophy with a total weight over the three matches of 6lb 6oz. Pat is pictured below, right, being presented the trophy by Dick Hutchin our Head of Matches official. Ron Snaith came second in the series with 5lb 11oz with Vincent Riley in third place with 4lb 11oz.

Pos | Name | Weight | Peg |
1 | Pat Dunkley | 4lb 15oz | 9 |
2 | Ron Snaith | 3lb 9oz | 28 |
3 | Pete Wilkins | 2lb 13oz | 34 |
Click Here for the final standings
Roach Cup Series Match 2 Result
The second match of the series was held on 8 Feb 2025 and was fished by 16 members. Conditions were tough with only 6 Roach caught for a total weight of 5oz shared by four anglers.
Pos | Name | Weight | Peg |
1 | Jack Robinson | 0lb 2oz | 8 |
1 | Mark Barrett | 0lb 2oz | 36 |
3 | Jack Swallow | 0lb 0oz 8dr | 35 |
3 | Ron Hillier | 0lb 0oz 8dr | 29 |
Roach Cup Series Match 1 Result
The first match of the series was held on 25 Jan 2025 and was fished by 14 members. Top spot went to Vincent Riley with 2lb 10oz.
The match scoring has been changed, by agreement of those fishing the first match, from a points based scoring to total weight over the three matches.
Pos | Name | Weight | Peg |
1 | Vincent Riley | 2lb 10oz | 36 |
2 | Ron Snaith | 2lb 2oz | 5 |
3 | Pat Dunkley | 1lb 7oz | 3 |
Reduced Membership Tariff - to 31 May 2025
Anyone wishing to join the association for the remaining part of the membership year - running to 31 May 2025 can do so at a reduced rate:
Adult Membership | £25 |
Concessions | £20 |
Juniors | £5 |
This reduced membership is only available as follows:-
1) by Paypal. Simply send an email with your name, address and the level of membership required to membership@bdaafishing.org.uk and we will send you an email invoice with a link to pay. We will then send your permit by second class post.
2) by post to the
Membership Secretary,
10 Moreton Drive,
Buckingham. MK18 1JQ
3) by contacting the treasurer at info@bdaafishing.org.uk or calling 07767 663928 - we can then arrange a mutually convenient time and place for you to purchase your permit.
New "merch" for 2025

These are a limited addition so get your orders in early to avoid disappointment.
Winter Cup Series Result
Ron Snaith (left) pictured below being presented the trophy by last year's winner Pat Dunkley scored an impressive 46 points to win the six match Winter Series.
Barry Smith came second on 43 points with Pete Wilkins in third place with 35 points.

Winter Cup Series Match 6 Result
The final match of the series held on 28 Dec 2024 was fished by 19 members. Top spot went to Vincent Riley with 4lb.
Pos | Name | Weight | Peg |
1 | Vincent Riley | 4lb 0oz | 3 |
2 | Ron Snaith | 3lb 9oz | 26 |
3 | Charlie Green | 3lb 8oz | 40 |
Click Here for the final standings
New Facilty for Woodfields - 26 Oct 2024
A "BIG THANK YOU" to Ian Hart, Steve Cory, Alan Carpenter and Pat Dunkley who gave up their Saturday to constuct our new gazebo. A place for members to shelter from the rain or sun or just chill-out. Another great addtion to the lake's facilites.
The team had spent a previous Saturday laying the slabs (donated by Ian Hart) for the base. So the number of volunteer hours contributed is immense and much appreciated.
The gazebo was kindly donated by Barry and Mark Smith.

The club really has some great and generous benefactors, whether it is monetary or time given up - or both - they have made it possible to make the BDAA the fishing club to join and Woodfields the "go to" fishery. The proof is in the numbers, as membership income this year is currently up 20% on last year so we as a club must be doing something right.
Additional Stocking - Woodfields - 22 Oct 24
We are also pleased to report that we have recently stocked a further 100 tench (size 8-10in) and 200 Crucian Carp (also in the 8-10in size range).
With the stocking earlier in the year the club has been able to invest over £6,700 in new fish for the venue during 2024.
Stan Smith Memorial Trophy Result
Martin Yardley (right) pictured below being presented the trophy by last year's winner Albert Ward.

Top Three Listed
Pos | Name | Weight | Peg |
1 | Martin Yardley | 6lb 13oz | 6 |
2 | Neil Stopps | 5lb 6oz | 9 |
3 | Andy Franklin | 4lb 7oz | 3 |
Summer Cup Series Result
Jack Robinson (left) pictured below being presented the trophy by series organiser Pat Dunkley.

The series, which was added late to the match schedule, has been very popular with members with 19 members taking part in the final match.
So a special "Thank you" must go to Pat Dunkley who firstly proposed the series should take place and secondly for organising the matches. Also a thank you must go to Dick Hutchin who assisted with the weigh-ins.
Click Here for the Summer Series Final Standings
Bernard Lewis Trophy
We are pleased to report that Albert Ward retained the trophy weighing in wth 2lb 6oz. The trophy was fished for on 21 September 2024.
New Day Ticket Water - for Crucian Carp

If you like to catch crucian carp in a lovely rural setting here’s the lake for you near Preston Bissett.
Location Bushey Lane, MK18 4ND
What Three Words ///magnitude.fishnet.candle
Recently dredged and restocked, private quiet lake in a beautiful location at Copper Horse Farm.
Now open 7 days a week from 8am- 6pm
Price £10 a day.
10 Swims.
Fisherman's shed and toilet.
Parking available.
No fish to be taken away, No litter, No dogs.
Contact Pete Callow 07599 207515 or 01280 848877.
Friday Cup Winner 2024
Charlie Green (left) being presented the Friday Cup trophy by last year's winner Pat Dunkley.

Click Here for the Friday Cup Final Standings
The series has been a big success with over 21 anglers taking part in one or more of the matches.
The final match on 6 September was fished by 15 anglers with Kevin Mayne deserving a special mention as the former Match Secretary made a round trip of over 300 miles from his home in Devon to fish the match and meet up with some old friends.
OAP Trophy Winner
Charlie Green (right) being presented the OAP trophy by last year's winner Ron Hillier.
Charlie totalled a very impressive weight of 30lb 7oz over the three match series.

Top Three Listed
Pos | Name | Weight |
1 | Charlie Green | 30lb 7oz |
2 | Jack Robinson | 16lb 8oz |
3 | Dave Ridgeway | 14lb 7oz |
Byelaws Updated
Following a recent committee meeting the BDAA Byelaws have now been updated to explicitly state that overnight fishing is not allowed on any BDAA venue. New Rule B20 added.
The full list of Byelaws are available to view in PDF format. click here
Club Records - New from 1st June 2024
At this year's AGM, Barry Smith announced that the club was going to start a new set of club records This had been raised at the 2023 AGM.
There will be one Record list for fish caught at Woodfields and one list for fish caught on our current River venues - starting 1st June 2024.
We won't lose the legacy records but many of these are for fish caught on waters no longer on the BDAA ticket.
To learn more click here for the details on how to submit a claim for a club record.
Newsletter and Match Fixtures 2024/25
The annual BDAA Newsletter is now available to view in PDF Format.
Click Here for the 2024 Newsletter
Cranley Barn Camping - New from 2022
For those anglers from further afield who want to fish the Great River Ouse, a short walk away from Dick Walkers famous stretch downstream of Thornton Bridge, there is now a new campsite Cranley Barn Camping open for 2022.
click here for their camping page
click here for their fishing page.
Click here To view a recent news item on the increasing popularity of fishing with families.
Privacy Notice for GDPR Compliance
In order to comply with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into force on 25 May 2018 the club has undertaken a Data Protection Impact Assessment and has now published a Privacy Notice. Click Here for the BDAA Privacy Notice
Barry's Fishing Journeys
Links to Barry's fishing adventure videos:- click here
Previously posted on the home page.
10 March 2025