Photo Gallery - 2021
This web page is for association members pictures.Please send pictures and details to the following email address:-
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River - December 2021
Adam Gibbard wrote "My mate's son had a great day fishing today. We walked miles chub fishing and pike fishing. He has never caught either before so he was really happy and hopefully hooked on fishing. He caught two chub of around 2 1/2lb each and a couple of small pike. His name is Henry Beacon (pictured below). Thanks for the tickets. I think it has made his year".

Woodfields - November 2021
Matthew Bass wrote "Pictures as promised. From Monday 15th, Common of 15lb 2ozs and 15lb 12ozs and a Mirror of 17lb 15ozs. Also a Common of 13lb 2ozs from yesterday's (20th) specially prepared swim!"

From the River - November 2021
Adam Gibbard wrote "I had a walk down Lenborough this afternoon and had three pike up to just over 3lb. Thanks to my wife Denise for taking the photo."

Woodfields - September 2021
Another from Richard (22nd) - he writes "Managed to grab a quick bite this week, and landed this lovely common"

Three more pics from Richard Matthew. He writes "Pictures from Saturday morning(18th), the common around 18lb and the mirror around 16lb. To be honest with the weights I can’t remember, but if you ask Steve he called them, sorry it’s been a hectic week. Looking forward to another visit soon. Thanks for the work you guys put into the lake, it’s looking fantastic."

Kevin Sharp sent this in - he writes "I spent Sunday morning fishing Woodfield lake. I had a bunch of roach off a float with some maggots and then this one on a feeder with sweetcorn from peg 4. "

Nik Gage sent this in and wrote "Popped down to Woodfields on my lunch break when the sun was out. Forgot my scales but this beauty was hungry for my floating pellet."

The Coombs - September 2021
Adam Gibbard wrote "Got up early this morning and had a crack down the Coombs. Caught this 3lb 4oz chub!"

Woodfields - September 2021
Richard Matthew wrote "the lake is looking fantastic this evening. I popped down for an hour after work and grabbed this fellow (at 12lb) off the surface"

Nick Keay wrote "Caught this lovely common at Woodfields on Thursday 2nd Sept. Just over 22lb".

Great Ouse - September 2021
Adam Gibbard has been trying out the our river venues and things are looking good. Adam wrote "I battled my way to the river bank to the poor charity field.I had an hour and a half on the bank caught quite a few roach, a few small chub and some lovely dace. "

Woodfields - August 2021
We don't often get sent pictures of Pike caught at Woodfields. However, young Ethan Reilly caught this fine 12lb Pike on a small spinner while fishing for Perch (picture provdied by brother Joe).

Matthew Bass wrote "After a quiet spell I have been catching a few over the last week or so. Commons of 12lb 14ozs, 15lb 8ozs and 17lb 4ozs and a scaley Mirror of 15lb 4ozs all caught in my last 4 short evening trips. The pictures are the 3 largest. The 17 is the one with the split in the top of its tail, a fish i had caught at over 19lb in May"

Woodfields - July 2021
Richard Matthew sent this in "It’s been a few weeks since I’ve been down the lake. I popped down there for a couple of hours this evening (13 Aug) and managed to catch this absolute stunner that tipped the scales at just under 24lb."

Another nice common caught by Nick Keay, pictured below. Nick wrote "I caught this lovely Common Carp at Woodfields on my second visit ( I’m a new member). Caught it on a floating hair rig. 15.4 lb/oz".