Buckingham & District Angling Association

Founded 1910

Match Results 2024

Club Day Match Resuts
Ten members fished the Annual Club day Coronation Cup match on 15 June 2024.
Top three listed below:-
Pos Name Weight Peg
1 Ron Hillier 7lb 10oz 31
2 Alan Green 6lb 12oz 34
3 Andy Ward 5lb 10oz 24

Five juniors fished the Junior Match.
Top three listed below:-
Pos Name Weight Peg
1 Mia Fenning 1lb 2oz 39
2 Charlie Davies 0lb 11oz 5
3 Albert Ward 0lb 9oz 1

Charlie Davies won the Pete Callow Trophy - for most fish caught with 17 fish. Below he is pictured being presented the trophy by the man himself.
 Charlie Daveis

Spring Series 2024

What a Finish to the Spring Series
Where to start - with 19 anglers fishing the final match, with just under 120lb of qualifying fish being caught in total and a lot more caught that didn't count.
It was the highest total weight caught in a match at the venue for a long while.

Going into the match Pete Wilkins was ahead in the series with only Charlie Green able to challenge him. So what did Charlie do? Well Charlie pipped Pete by half a point to take the series.

And all this should not deflect from Martin Yardley's outstanding match winning weight of over 17lb.
With this, Martin won the highest weight of the series pot.

And there was more, with Dick Hutchin catching a double figure Pike and Barry Smith catching a double figure carp - unfortunately neither could count.
I wouldn't be surprised if we'll be talking about this match for years to come.

Click Here for the Final Standings

Spring Series Match Summary
Match 6 was won by Martin Yardley with a very impressive 17lb 3oz.
In second place was Jack Robinson with 14lb 11oz and Charlie Green, third, with 12lb 4oz.

Match 5 was won by Charlie Green with an impressive 7lb 4oz.
Pete Wilkins leads the series with 33 points with  Charlie Green, the only person who can catch him, on  27.5 points in second place with only one match to go.

Match 4 was won by Jack Robinson with an impressive 11lb 8oz - the highest weight in the series so far.

Match 3 was won by Pete Wilkins with 6lb 2oz. It was very close as Pat Dunkley in second place was only 8dr behind.

Match 2 was won by Pat Dunkley with 4lb 4oz.

Match 1 was won by Martin Yardley with 7lb 4oz.

Carp Cup Result
The 2024 Carp Cup held on 25 May was well attended with 12 anglers fishing the 10 hour match.
Top four listed below:-
Pos Name Weight Peg # Fish
1 Alan Carpenter 44lb 8oz 32 5
2 Barry Smith 29lb 13oz 5 4
3 Nick Lewis 28lb 10oz 10 3
4 Stephen Golding 26lb 13oz 12 2
Stephen Golding took the best fish of the day with a Mirror Carp weighing in at 16lb 15oz.

Jamie Ballinger Memorial Trophy 2024 Result
The 2024 Jamie Ballinger Memorial Trophy held on 1st June was was well attended with 23 anglers fishing the 5 hour match. John Shepley won the match with over 8lb of fish that included 3lb 12oz bream.
The match as always is run to raise money for the British Heart Foundation charity and this year £115 was raised so thank you to all those contributing.

Top four listed below:-
Pos Name Weight Peg
1 John Shepley 8lb 9oz 11
2 Ian Blyth 7lb 6oz 22
3 Martin Yardley 6lb 15oz 9
4 Vince Riley 5lb 12oz 3